2022-12-28 17:00:46 • ID: 2363
Keilmesser from the Oise Valley
In recent years there have been several attempts to reconcile concepts of the Middle Paleolithic from a Western and a Middle European perspective. A persistent incompatibility between the views is still apparent.
In this context, the discourse on the Keilmesser and about the Keilmesser-Groups (KMG) is of mayor importance - See: Reflections on the term Micoquian .
Whether it is justified to use the Term: Keilmesser as a Fossil directeur -a tool that can be tracked within strictly defined temporal and spatial boundaries is open to question, because this artifact is anything but spatially and temporally limited.
However, archaeologically speaking, the handaxe is certainly a fossil directeur, although the Acheulian/Acheulean entity is defined temporally and geographically within even wider limits
Epistemologically, it is not at all reasonable to narrow the occurrence of the Bifacial Wedge Knife to the repertoire of a specific group. If one proceeds in this way, one would have no explanation for several important phenomena, for example for the activity-dependent and settlement occurrence of bifacial lithic inventories in Eastern Europe and in the Crimea.
After German research has highlighted the occurrence of inventories, which may well be compared with the Central European Micoquien in the Rhone-Saone Valley / Burgundy, a corresponding systematic reappraisal of inventories in other parts of France is missing. This has been pointed out repeatedly in this blog.
The examples in the post show that Keilmesser or at least the use of a KMG concept may be by no means rare in the Oise area.
Surf the Blog: here: 2135 , here: 2016 , here: 2016 , and here: 1609
Resources and images in full resolution:
- Image: 2023-01-08_noname_Kopie.png
- Image: 2023-01-09_IMG_6263.jpg
- Image: 2023-01-09_IMG_6264.jpg