2016-08-17 17:10:05 • ID: 1486
The Pavlovian in Moravia and Lower Austria
Microlithic denticulated implements are one hallmark of the Pavlovian in Moravia and Lower Austria. A selection is shown in Figure 1 (courteously by Thilo Parg).
The morphological spectrum includes a wide range of varieties, from tiny examples to relatively massive examples and varying from very finely to coarsely denticulated bladelets and blades. Some of the artifacts are backed and some are without any backing. Complete findings are relatively rare.
At Jarošov-Podvršťa (17%) of the "microsaws" were pointed (“Jarošov-type pointed microsaw”), a phenomenon which is occasionally also known from other Pavlovian clusters. "Microsaws „were first published by Absolon from Dolni Věstonice I.
They were later described from Dolni Věstonice II, Pavlov VI , Pavlov I, and Pavlov I Southeast, where non backed uni- and bilateral fine denticulated lamelles, which were often broken, were found together with backed examples. At Pavlov, backed denticulated lamelles make maximal 2, 6 % of the inventory.
Some examples are known from the Gravettian sites in Lower Austria (Krems-Hundssteig, findings from the 19th century and new excavations), Krems-Wachtberg I and Krems-Wachtberg II, the new site at Gösing am Wagram) which together with fragments of zoomorphous burnt clay figurines and the famous children burials from Krems underline strong connections to the Pavlov hills in the north.
On the other hand Microsaws are quasi absent from other large Lower Austrian Gravettian sites (Willendorf, Aggsbach, Grub Kranawetberg). It seems to be wise not to lump these sites under the "Pavlovian" label.
On the other hand small parts within the Dolni Věstonice and Pavlov "Megasites", which are characterized by "microsaws" may allow to identify functional or cultural peculiarities within the larger "Pavlovian" frame.
Microtraceological investigations about the use of the saws are absent. Almost identical objects were reinvented during the late Magdalenian in S/W-France and of course during the N-African Epipaleolithic with its overwhelming spectrum of stone tools.
Lartet in the 1860ies already noted that the tiny “Magdalenian saws” may have been used for the production of ivory needles at La Madeleine and Bruniquel. The idea is attracting as fine needles are also known from the Pavlovian sites.
Another idea about the pointed subclass of "Microsaws" which can be extended to the non-pointed examples would be their use as component of complex hunting devices , which is supported by documented traces of impacts in a longitude direction on one of the pointed "microsaws" from Jarošov.
" If the hypothesis that these artifacts were used as inserts in hunting implements is accepted, the denticulated edge may be interpreted as a means of increasing the productivity of these weapons – the denticulated edge causing increased tissue damage, resulting in increase bleeding" (P. Skrdla).
Suggested Reading:
a must for the N-African Paleolithic including also Epipaleolithic "saws":
BOUYSSONIE, J. & H. BREUIL, éd: Musée d'ethnographie et de préhistoire
du bardo: collections préhistoriques.
Resources and images in full resolution:
- Image: 2022-03-17_Dolni_Vestonice_II_Pavlov_I_microsaws.jpeg
- Extern Link: othes.univie.ac.at…2008-11-02_9907739.pdf
- Extern Link: journals.openedition.org…607?file=1
- Extern Link: www.orea.oeaw.ac.at…
- Extern Link: www.researchgate.net…Pavlov-I-A-large-Gravettian-site-in-space-and-time.pdf
- Extern Link: quartaer.eu…2009_haendel.pdf
- Extern Link: iabrno.cz…skrdla.pdf